CivicLex joins Trust for Public Land Convening

Last week, our Director of Programs, Megan Gulla, Valerie Friedman (LFUCG Division of Planning), and Christine Smith (Seedleaf), traveled to New York City for a convening with other Parks Equity Accelerator teams from around the country. 

Guided by project coordinators from the Trust for Public Land, attendees met with site planners, city officials, and parks employees across Manhattan. The cohort shared our cities’ successes and challenges related to parks access and talked together about lessons learned.

It was an amazing experience to get a behind-the-scenes look at massive projects like the High Line and Pier 57. More applicable maybe to Lexington were two neighborhood and schoolyard parks, which were redesigned in direct partnership with the surrounding communities from vacant lots to well-loved neighborhood gathering places. 

CivicLex is so grateful to the Trust for Public Land for this opportunity and for their support of the Lexington Park Equity Accelerator project! 


Reimagining the Civic Commons, Macon


Lexington’s City Budget Workshop!